Domingo 31 de Mayo del año 2020 / 9:49

You can settle for a small portion of the national markets and spend your marketing life constantly fighting with your competitors if you so choose. Or if you prefer, you can reach out and grab the world by the tail and take a wild ride, culminating in marketing success.

The choice is yours, but to make a realistic decision, you need to have all the information you need to make a wise and informed decision.

Localization, globalization and internationalization are key components of a successful digital marketing campaign. The basic proponents of these concepts will help you begin to expand your influence online. The perfection of localization, globalization and internationalization strategies should place you at the top of the markets and the search engine results page.

Sí, todos hemos escuchado que el contenido es el rey, aunque en realidad, la información es el rey sería una declaración más precisa y apropiada. El contenido es poco más que una enunciación del conocimiento que se imparte a la audiencia.

Escriba contenido que proporcione la información que sus lectores están buscando, y vendrán ... pero solo si pueden encontrar su contenido para empezar. Aquí yace el primer y quizás el mayor desafío.

Chances are, all of your competitors already have the same information that you have. Your peers already have the same (or better) digital marketing research tools that you have. It may have the ability to generate content loads, but again, it is highly likely that at least some of its competitors have full teams that feature a steady stream of new and constantly updated content.

So should you just give up and quit smoking? Do you allow all your digital marketing dreams to be frustrated? Or perhaps it would be more prudent and beneficial to discover how to work smarter, without having to always work harder? Focus on areas and tactics and markets your competitors are missing? What if you knew how to open new markets with little or no competition?

M&P Digital Marketing - Conversion - Bots & Artificial intelligence - Social Networks


M&P is born from the need to generate an optimal sales strategy according to drivers such as maturity level, industry and competitive environment focused on SMEs, establishing the optimal service and investment mix. 

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