En Venta:Apple iPhone 16gb 3g for just $300usd
En Venta:Apple iPhone 16gb 3g for just $300usd
EléctricosChileRegión de TarapacáOficina Victoria
Anónimo Sábado 30 de Agosto del año 2008 / 21:57

we sell all kinds in small and large and offer item policy to all
our customers,so you gain alot if you

purchase from our company.

So you buy 3 and get 1 free and 2 company t-shirt
Buy 5 and get 2 free and 3 company t-shirt and 1 Apple ipod

so you can email us on our company email address:yourchoicemerchandise@live.com

1.) Shipping Address
2.) Number Of Units To Purchase.

NOTE: Same Day Shipping Available.

There is a 30day return policy and a 100% money back guarantee.

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